Dear Gov. Paterson,
Are you crazazy? I mean budget shortfalls are nasty, even particularly ugly this year...but you seriously want to charge me or tax me *more* when:
I drink a coke.
I drink a pepsi.
I drink a glass of wine.
I have a beer.
I buy clothes.
I buy shoes.
I get my haircut.
I buy books on Amazon.
I watch cable tv.
I take a cab.
I enroll in state university.
I renew my DMV junk (which already costs a fortune).
I fill up my gas tank (the price of which has fallen, but still stays far above the national avg).
I buy an ipod (once in a blue moon).
I take a deep breath.
I'm sorry. Excuse me for living.
You're going to eliminate 521 state jobs. NYC will lose 1 billion in funding (bloomberg says that's about 12,000 city jobs). If NYC thinks it is going to suffer...Buffalo...oh, Buffalo. NYC's underestimated brother to the west has had an economy on the decline since about the turn of the century. And I don't mean the 21st century. I mean the one 108 years ago. This will not help things.
rough economy. yuck.
Monday, December 22, 2008
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