Thursday, January 15, 2009

the thing about the girl next to me

I'm at the library and there is a girl sitting in the computer cubicle next to me. She's been there for a while, not that I'm paying much attention. For about a half hour she looked like she was doing normal computeresque things, browsing the internet etc., but about 10 minutes ago things changed. All of the sudden she just folded her arms and put her head down on the table in front of her a la Nap Style.

I don't particularly frown on sleeping in the library. You've got to do what you've got to do--but if you're occupying a computer station while you snooze, that's just kinda inconsiderate. Splaying yourself over the keyboard and letting the monitor idle is just not cool when there are people waiting.

I desperately wish I had a Kleenex for her. The poor thing is suffering from a nasty cold. About every 2 minutes (you can almost time it) she sniffles, huffing her runny-nose snot back into her face. There it was again.


I might understand if it was really late or really early in the morning...but it's 3:30 in the afternoon.

Dear Girl Sitting Next to Me,
Take that exhaustion home, give it some NyQuil and put it to bed. Seriously though, one of those couches looks way comfier than that cubicle desk.
The Lake Effect Affect